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  1. 2008/02/26 불어공부 단어정리 (2)

불어공부 단어정리

공부/복습/불어 2008/02/26 19:33

어제 개인적인 일이 있어서 연차를 내고 하루를 쉬었다.
긴 출퇴근 시간이 사라지니 오후시간의 여유가 생겨서 약간의 정리와 기록을 하였다.

- boire : drink. present tense ->(boit)
- lait : milk, lait de chaux -> lime water, lait solaire -> sun cream
- assis Adjective (a) person who is seated, sitting (down); sitting position; bien ~ secure, stable living, well-established argument, situation
- oiseau Noun, masculine (a) bird; être comme l'~ sur la branche to be here today gone tomorrow; (fig) l'~ s'est envolé the bird has flown; (fig) un drôle d'~ a queer customer;
- aliment Noun, masculine (a) food, industrial foodstuff
- voici Preposition (a) (with singular) here is, here's (Infml), this is; (with plural) here are, here's (Infml), these are; ~ mon cousin here's my cousin, this is my cousin; ~ le livre que je voulais te montrer here's the book I wanted to show you, this is the book I wanted to show you; les livres que ~ the books I'm showing you now, these books here; "~!", "here you are!", "here!", "here you go!" (Infml)

- qui Preposition (a) (as subject) who, (as object) who, (more frm, or after a preposition) whom; whoever, anyone who

1 quel Determiner (a) (from a defined or restricted choice) which; (from a less defined choice) what; ~ livre? which book?; ~le maison? which house?

2 quel QU- word (a) (from a defined or restricted choice) which; (from a less defined choice) what; ~le est la capitale de la France? what is the capital of France?; ~les villes as-tu visitées? which (or) what towns did you visit?; ~le est la maison que tu aimes le plus? which is the house that you like the most?; n'importe ~ ... any ..., whichever ..., whatever ...; à n'importe ~le heure at any time, at whatever time, whenever; ~le que soit ta raison whatever your reason is, whatever reason you have, whatever your reason (more frm)

- ce Pronoun (a) (used to denote a nearby object or event) this; ~ garçon this boy; ~ problème this problem; cette maison this house; cet argument this argument; ~ matin this morning; cet après-midi this afternoon; cette nuit tonight; last night
(b) (used to denote an object or event that is further away) that
(c) (used as a definite article with a relative clause) the, the very, the particular; ~ problème dont tu fais mention the (particular) problem that you mention; cet homme qu'il a vu l'autre jour the (or) that man he saw the other day
(d) (pej: used with name of person etc) that; ~ Jean Martin that Jean Martin
(e) ce qui, ce que what; "sur ~" "on which note", "on that note"

- dans Preposition (a) (indicating place) in; (in closed space) in, inside; ~ l'eau in the water; ~ le nord de la France in the north of France, in Northern France
(b) (between two points, inside limits) within; ~ l'heure qui suit within the hour; je le ferai ~ la semaine I'll do it by the end of the week
(c) (indicating change of place) into, in (Infml); tomber ~ la rivière to fall into (or) in (Infml) the river; verser du vin ~ un verre to pour wine into a glass; aller ~ une pièce to go into a room
(d) (indicating starting place) from, out of; prendre qch ~ sa poche to take sth out of one's pocket
(e) (indicating future time) in; je pars ~ 2 jours I'm leaving in two days, I'm leaving in two days' time; ~ un instant in a moment; (TV) "~ un instant, la météo" ="next on BBC1 (etc), the weather"
(f) ~ les in the region of; ~ les 10 Euros/2 mois in the region of 10 Euros/2 months; il a ~ les 30 ans he's in the region of 30 years old

- faire Verb, transitive (a) to make a car, wine, a noise, a mistake, a declaration, a film, a meal, a cake, a gesture, build a house, nest, wall, bake a cake, write, produce a book, speech, essay, make, draw up a list, make out, write a cheque, give a lecture, lesson; to do a deed, work; to play tennis, rugby, a match, a role; (School) to do, take a subject, an exam; to prepare a meal, salad; to have, suffer from stress, run up a temperature, get, come down with an illness; to pay a visit, compliments; to sell, deal in produce, grow, produce crops; ~ le mort to play dead; ~ le sourd/le timide to pretend to be deaf/shy; ~ le malade to feign illness; ~ l'innocent/la bête to play or act the innocent/the fool

알아두어야할 용법및 , 필수단어들 링크.
& http://www.french-linguistics.co.uk/verbs/CommonFrenchVerbForms.html
