불어 공부 기록 9

공부/복습/불어 2008/01/03 17:00
기초 단어및 문장 (입는 것 , 입다)

Les filles portent des robes et des chapeaux.

  -> portent : present tense of the verb porter
1 porter Verb, transitive (a) to carry an object; ~ qch à la main to carry sth in one's hand; ~ qch à qn to take sth to sb
(b) to carry a child; to bear fruit, yield a harvest; ~ bonheur à qn to bring sb happiness; ~ qn à faire qch to prompt sb to do sth, lead sb to do sth
(c) to bear a title; to carry, bear a date, inscription; to show, bear traces
(d) to wear clothes, glasses, jewellery

chapeaux : hat. (pl) , chapeau.

응용 : Les filles portent des chemises blanches et des jupes noires.
        Qu'est-ce que les femmes portent?  Elles portent des chemises bleues.

기타연결단어. robe( dress) , jupe (skirt) , chemise (shirt) , chapeau (hat) ,

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